I’m Not A Weirdo

I’m Not A Weirdo

Although there have been times when I’ve felt like one! Before I knew I was an introvert I used to wonder why I was different? Why did I feel like I just didn’t fit? Why did I encounter so many awkward silences? Why was conversation so difficult? So many times I would...
How To Increase Your Visibility At Work

How To Increase Your Visibility At Work

How many times did I get told “you need to be more visible if you want to get on” and “you need to grow your network”? “Tell me something I don’t know”, said every introvert ever. I know how hard this is. It’s really hard when your natural tendency is to work long and...
What’s The Ideal Career For An Introvert?

What’s The Ideal Career For An Introvert?

I’ve seen this question posed on social media so many times recently and each time I see it I get strongly stirred up. The short answer is there isn’t one. What I mean by that is, whatever the extent of your introvert traits, embrace them and follow your dreams. Look,...