Lesley Tait

Please go through everything before your session

Common Questions

1. How do you usually work with clients?

My purpose is to help you regain control of your menopause transition resulting in a happy home life whilst pursuing your career goals. I help you rebuild self confidence, emotional stability, self trust and the courage to make essential life changes through my gentle emotional wellbeing program. I will hold you in a safe space and while we will heal your emotional and physical challenges and coach you into your ideal life.

2. What can I expect from the call?

We’ll talk about the main challenges you face in your menopause transition, what precisely is holding you back from performing in your role at work and what’s interfering with your relationships. We’ll discuss what interventions you’ve already tried and how that is or isn’t working for you. If we both feel that there is a good connection and basis for rapport we’ll discuss how we move forward together. If we’re not a good fit for each other I will endeavour to recommend an alternative path for you.

3. Who is Lesley Tait?

I began to notice menopausal symptoms when I was 46 but in hindsight they began a lot earlier than this. As well as the physical symptoms there was the emotional and mental aspect. I started taking HRT but I still wasn’t sleeping. I was moody, short tempered and angry. I wasn’t able to cope at work as well as I used to and where I could normally juggle multiple things I found myself getting nervous and anxious. Then I started to doubt myself and I lost my confidence. I just didn’t recognise myself anymore and kept questioning what I have become. I was coping but only just and I’d work longer to keep up with the job I’d previously nailed. I couldn’t grasp things as well as I used to and one day it all became too much. I had a complete breakdown, I couldn’t leave the house because of how bad my mental health had become.

I had started to use alcohol as a means of blocking it all out and then one day I woke up with one hangover too many which was the turning point. I had to do something to get my life back on track.

I started to look at my lifestyle. I looked at every aspect of my life and made changes, 3 months later I went back to work. I got a promotion and I had the best year out of the 17 years I had been there. I had therapy, I hired a fitness coach and I did a fitness photo shoot for my 50th birthday and I took bold steps to completely change my career.

Menopause can stop us in our tracks, derail our lives and it doesn’t need to. I want women to see that this is manageable, it’s the beginning of a new chapter not the end. I want to help women flourish in spite of menopause and live the lives they dreamed of.

Lesley Tait has a Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching from The Coaching Academy which is backed by the International Coaching Federation. Lesley is also accredited to DISC Level 2 which is personality and behavioural analysis. Lesley is a certified Emotional Wellbeing Coach graduating from the Harmonizing Coach Training Academy.

Some people I’ve worked with


“The sessions with Lesley have been absolutely life changing and it is amazing to have achieved the level of transformation in only 10 sessions.

The most helpful has been to achieve this sense of peace and calm, knowing life is perfect as it is in every moment. I have gained tremendous understanding and compassion for myself and others which strengthens the peace I feel and the connection I feel with myself and others.Letting go of judgements and anger towards self and others felt like a big barrier has been removed which was keeping me separated from self and others. I have really wanted to trust myself and my intuition and that has definitely happened. This is my most amazing gift to know I can now flow with life with such ease and that everything happens in my favour.I am now a confident woman who is aware of her worth, feeling very lucky with the cards I have been dealt with and I have the inner knowing that I am winning at this game of life. I am now waking up each day with joy and excited about the miracles which are unfolding in front of my eyes.

Truly magical experience!”


“Lesley is very professional and I felt as though I could say anything to Lesley and I wouldn’t have felt judged.

Lesley has helped me to believe in myself, and trust my opinions and judgments. Before I started the course I was always second guessing myself or asking other peoples opinion on things, where as now I have the confidence to just do what I want to do and say what I want to say. Obviously in a way that is kind and I am still behaving in a way that I’m proud of but it has just really helped me to trust myself and my judgments and be more true to myself. I have learnt a lot about my boundaries and why they are so important and necessary. It has helped me to believe in myself, resulting in being more confident and more authentic to the person I actually am. Overall it has been a very transformational journey for me, there have been huge shifts in my energy and behaviour and the whole experience has been invaluable for me.”


“Lesley has a great warmth and empathy, the space she created allowed me to explore different aspects of my life, particularly my health in a safe judgement free way – I opened up to her much more than I anticipated I would. I always felt seen, appreciated and cared for throughout the process.

Having the time and a safe space to focus solely on myself at such a pivotal time in my life. Focusing on my relationship with myself and my alignment helped me to heal from redundancy and show up for myself as a trainee coach in my truest most authentic form.

In particular the mirror reflection session stands out as a really powerful experience for me, Lesley challenged and supported me in equal measure to go through something that’s personally quite uncomfortable. I use the memory and experience from that session as an anchor if ever I doubt my confidence in myself, especially on Zoom or camera, dipping. My confidence has increased, my motivation has increased, my self belief has increased, as have my energy, vitality and courage. I would absolutely recommend this program to other people.”